Patch test
Clean and convenient, test at home, just the once
Colourstart Patch Test is a clinically proven patch test which screens for allergy to the hair colour ingredient para-phenylenediamine (PPD.). It is easy to use, as simple as applying a plaster!
Rather than visiting the salon for a pre-appointment test, Colourstart is applied at home by your client.
Just think of all the the time, hassle and money this saves you and your client!
Colourstart is designed as a single use product, so provided your client’s health status doesn’t change (as outlined in the patient information leaflet), you can colour again and again without further testing.
And finally, Colourstart applies across all hair colours and brands that contain PPD, so you aren’t restricted in your choices.
Complete creative freedom!
How to buy Colourstart
Hair Professionals and salons can register for a Trade Sellers Account to buy Colourstart if they would like to retail the product to their clients.
If you prefer, your clients can buy Colourstart directly from The team will get your clients colour-ready – so you don’t have to!